[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]
Barbara Chilcott Davis was a Canadian actress born in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada on September 10, 1922. She was the brother of actor Murray Davis.
As a child and young woman in Toronto, Chilcott studied acting with Josephine Barrington and dancing with Bettina Byers at Academy Ballet and attended Tamara Dakarhanova's School of the Theatre in Mount Kisco, NY.
After World War II she studied at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London and made her West End debut in 1949. On her return to Canada in 1950, she soon became one of the country's leading actresses. She also performed on CBC Radio and became involved with the burgeoning summer theatre movement, joining her brothers Murray Davis and Donald Davis in their Straw Hat Players and acting with the International Players in Kingston and the Canadian Repertory Theatre in Ottawa. In 1953, with her brothers Murray and Donald Davis, she founded the Crest Theatre in Toronto, which operated until 1966, which during its 13 seasons made a vital contribution to theatre in Toronto and employed the cream of Canadian talent, she played such parts as Viola in “Twelfth Night”, Antigone in “Antigone”, and her favorite role, Cleopatra in “Antony and Cleopatra”.
Barbara appeared in only one Euro-western “The Trap” as the trader’s wife in 1966. The film starred Oliver Reed and Rita Tushingham.
Barbara Chilcott died in Toronto on January 1, 2022, at the age of 99
CHILCOTT, Barbara (Barbara Chilcott Davis)
[9/10/1922, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada – 1/1/2022, Toronto, Ontario, Canada] –
film, TV actress, brother of actor Murray Davis, (Murray Edward Davis)
[1924-1997], actor Donald Davis (Donald George Davis)
[1928-1998], married to actor Max Helpmann (Maxwell Gardiner Helpman)
[1914–1987] (1952-1966), married to composer Harry Somers (Harry Stewart
Somers) [1925–1999] (1967-1999), co-founded the Crest Theater
The Trap – 1966 (trader’s wife)